Post Sales
Post Sales
Picturesque view of data gives a clarity to the decision makers

Post sales modules provide feedback across the leadership and management structure for higher performance and targeted higher cognitive processes.
To achieve the defined targets, it is essential to compare data at various levels and make this data accessible to decision makers, distributors, and front line employees. The post sales module fulfils this crucial need.
The information collected from the market through ubiquitous mobile apps and through the actual sales generated is analyzed to provide insights on the performance of an SKU, product, DSR, Distributor, and varied selling activities.
The post sales module is a tool to analyze the performance and to plan further activities on the enlargement of client base, promotional activities on products / SKU, and motivation of front line employees and distributors.
- Monthly and weekly basis chart compares Sell-in/Sell-out VS target
- Insights on the gap between sell in and sell out for stocks available at distributor point
- Analysis on a date range, distributor wise, tier, channel and customer sector.
- Chart views of the coverage, penetration, hit rate, and throughput compared with targets.
- Insights on the relationship between Coverage, Penetration and Throughput with sales volumes can be seen at a glance.
- Sales trends for decision making on the improvements towards sales performance.

The pre-sales module provides information at various levels of management for assessing the market potential, product demand in different market segments, and stock planning.

Shell ICAM – lain Methven
Saves Time - no need to ask or chase for KPI's Helps focus on specifics - sector, products, KPI's Makes internal/ external MILO's more effective Strengths Trust & Collaboration Increases Accountability Provides a fantastic platform for success
Shell – Sujatha Rao
SAMi project has been selected for the Executive Choice Award this time! Congrats to all of you and your team for all the effort and agility you have shown in making this happen !! Looking forward to achieving many more such milestones in the future.